Yea!!! I am on Spring Break and it feels great. So, what has the world been up to? We have passed Health Care Reform in the United States, Yea, now my sister and I can afford health coverage. My son will be covered under his step mom and his dad's insurance til he is out of college and in a job.
The Catholic Church is still covering up its sins after oh I don't know say..... 100yrs and nothing has change in that avenue.
Armageddon hasn't happen like the Republican said it would and life is basically good.So, to all those out there enjoy the day and brace yourselves for more Republican Bullshit in the House and Senate because the next best issues coming up are Immigration and Banking Reform Laws. So, get your racing shoes on cause here we go again with the party of NO.
Reelect Trump to save Democracy
It's quite evident that Donald Trump will win the republican presidential
nomination. Other than Slim Christie, non of the others running in the
1 year ago
Happy Ostara! May Spring bring many new, positive changes! LIked your take on it little bat signal!